My mother agrees with the dead
Susan Stenson
**Out of Print**
April 2007
72 pages | ISBN 978-1-894987-18-9
Susan Stenson understands death. She knows the importance of grief and the difficulty of finding the words to say the final goodbye. In My Mother Agrees with the Dead, Stenson offers beautifully-shaped poems that show the living how to find space for the dead in their own lives. The poems in this collection are strong, honest, insightful, gentle and, at times, surprisingly funny; there is more compassion in them than in a hundred sympathy cards.
Great Poetry Books (DC Reid, dcreid.ca, 8/1/2008)
"This is the best fully-accessible book of poetry I have ever read. Not one word too many, not one word too few."
Prairie Fire Review of Books (Kath MacLean, Prairie Fire, 7/2/2008)
“Mostly narrative and uncluttered by complicated imagery or form, Stenson's poems aim high and hard and hit us where we need it most: straight through the heart.”
About the Author
Susan Stenson lives in Victoria with her family where she co-publishes The Claremont Review, a literary magazine for writers aged thirteen to nineteen. She teaches English and creative writing in Saanich School District and has taught at Waterford Kamhlaba'a United World College in Swaziland. Her students, both young and adult, have won provincial, national and international prizes.