Obras completas / Complete Works (Volume 1)
Hugh Hazelton
December 2018
302 pages | ISBN 978-1-928088-74-5
Virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, Oliverio Girondo was a key figure in the Argentine avant-garde movement, a noted editor (for the magazines Proa, Prisma and Martín Fierro) and an accomplished writer. He is considered one of the great poets of Latin America, but has only had portions of his work translated into English. This is the first volume of a two volume facing-page translation done by award-winning translator Hugh Hazelton. The first volume will consist of: Veinte poemas para ser leídos en el tranvía, Calcomanías, Membretes, Espantapájaros “Scarecrow” and Interlunio.
Riding on a Streetcar (and a Hearse) around the World (Eleonora Gonzáles Capria, Interfaces Brasil/Canada, 20/06/2020)
"What translation of an Argentine poet would you like to review if you could choose? Oliverio Girondo, without a doubt. Hugh Hazelton made my dream come true. And from Canada."
About the Author
Oliverio Girondo was an Argentine poet and painter, known for his involvement in Ultraism, a poetry movement characterized by its use of avant-garde imagery and metrical complexity, and in vanguardism, with his lyric poetry and contributions to magazines like Proa and Martín Fierro. His poetry collections include Veinte poemas para ser leídos en el tranvía, Calcomanías and EspantapájarosI.
About the Translator
Hugh Hazelton is a writer and translator who specializes in the work of Latin American writers living in Canada, as well as in comparisons between Canadian and Quebec literatures and those of the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay). He has published four books of poetry and has translated eleven books from Spanish and French into English. His translation of Vétiver (Signature, 2005), a collection of poems by the Haitian-Canadian writer Joël Des Rosiers, won the Governor General's award for French-English translation in 2006. He teaches Spanish translation and Latin American civilization at Concordia University in Montreal.
Other Titles from this Translator
Vesuvius (2015)