Einstein's Cat
Zoë Landale
October 2012
88 pages | ISBN 978-1-894987-67-7
Whether considering the Skeena River or the foibles of an onscreen diva, Zoë Landale creates vivid and unforgettable poetry. Shot through with bright colour and sharp natural imagery, this is not a calm, contemplative collection. Indeed, Landale punctuates her own poetic musings with a director’s cut, a counterpoint of sly, often acerbic observations on her own lines. A fascinating and intricate work, Einstein’s Cat is a collection that is sure to reward repeat readings.
Poetry Month 2013: Zoë Landale (Toronto Quarterly, 07/04/2013)
The Toronto Quarterly featured Zoë Landale and Einstein's Cat as part of their Poetry Month celebrations.
"Personal Political" (Scott Inniss, Canadian Literature, 01/12/2014)
“In Einstein’s Cat, Landale’s language is crisp, her images exact. Landale has a real talent for the tenor-vehicle relation, of which she makes copious use.”
Einstein's Cat by Zoë Landale (Shawna Lemay, Canadian Poetries, 29/04/2013)
“It would be easy to center a review of Einstein’s Cat on the instances of loss in the poems. Or one could write about the formal intricacies, the use of side text like marginalia which is in turns clever, thoughtful, a shot-to-the-gut.... One could unravel the brilliantly intertwining texts of hero and heroine in the movie, and the real life couple in the remaining poems.”
About the Author
Zoë Landale's writing has appeared in over thirty anthologies and her fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry has won significant awards, including first prize for poetry in the CBC Literary Competition. Einstein’s Cat is her seventh book. She also edited, with Luanne Armstrong, Slice Me Some Truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction, which was published by Wolsak and Wynn in 2011. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and magazines including The New Quarterly, CV2, The Antigonish Review, The Malahat Review, Chatelaine, and Canadian Living. She is a member of the Writer's Union of Canada and the Federation of BC Writers. Landale lives in British Columbia where she is a faculty member of the Creative Writing Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
Other Titles by this Author
Slice me some truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction (2011)
Once a Murderer (2008)