Slice Me Some Truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction
Luanne Armstrong, Zoë Landale
September 2011
402 pages | ISBN 978-1-894987-60-8
Slice me some truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction is a ground-breaking survey of today's creative nonfiction in Canada; a complex and captivating field of writing that the editors spent four years exploring in the creation of this book. Covering the areas of memoir, personal essay, literary travel, nature writing, lyric essay as well as researched literary journalism and cultural criticism, Slice me some truth thoroughly explores the depth and breadth of creative nonfiction writing in Canada, highlighting brilliant writing from thirty-six authors from across the country.
List of Contributors:
Timothy J. Anderson, Luanne Armstrong, Kate Braid, Sharon Butala, Silver Donald Cameron, Lorna Crozier, Marjorie Doyle, M.A.C. Farrant, Patrick Friesen, Susan Glickman, Wayne Grady, Genni Gunn, Steven Heighton, Melody Hessing, Matt Hughes, Edith Iglauer, Deanna Kawatski, Mark Kingwell, Myrna Kostash, Fiona Tinwei Lam, Zoë Landale, Evelyn Lau, Shelley Leedahl, Charles Montgomery, Sarah Murphy, Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Susan Olding, Stephen Osborne, Molly Peacock, Harold Rhenisch, J. Jill Robinson, Andreas Schroeder, Jane Silcott, Joan Skogan, Madeline Sonik and Ayelet Tsabari.
List of Sections
Personal Essay
Cultural Journalism
Lyric Essay (Segmented Essay)
Nature and Place
Cross Genre
News from the Feminist Caucus (Anne Burke, Feminist Caucus, 12/1/2011).
"This collection contains samples of the memoir, personal essay, cultural journalism, travel pieces, a lyric or segmented essay, musings on nature and place, and, finally, cross genre writing."
Slice me some truth
Read the preface and first chapter of Slice me some truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction.
About the Editors
Luanne Armstrong is the author of fourteen books, including poetry collections, novels and children's books. She has been nominated for the Canadian Library Association's Book of the Year, the Sheila Egoff BC Book Prize award, the Red Cedar award and the Relit Prize for Fiction. Luanne Armstrong is an adjunct professor of Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia.
Zoë Landale's writing has appeared in over thirty anthologies and her fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry has won signficant awards, including first prize for poetry in the CBC Literary Competition. Einstein’s Cat is her seventh book. She also edited, with Luanne Armstrong, Slice Me Some Truth: An anthology of Canadian creative nonfiction, which was published by Wolsak and Wynn in 2011. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and magazines including The New Quarterly, CV2, The Antigonish Review, The Malahat Review, Chatelaine, and Canadian Living. She is a member of the Writer's Union of Canada and the Federation of BC Writers. Landale lives in British Columbia where she is a faculty member of the Creative Writing Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
Other Titles by Zoë Landale
Einstein's Cat (2012)
Once a Murderer (2008)