The Church Not Made with Hands
John Terpstra
January 1997
88 pages | ISBN 978-0-919897-56-4
"John Terpstra's meditations have the soundness and snug fit of consummate carpentry, measure in language and in thought... This is religious writing from the ground up, negotiating the difficult moral terrain between wildness and 'development' with an imaginative grasp reminiscent of Dennis Lee's Civil Elegies. This is an important book, with the toughness of maple, the compassion of cedar." – Don Mckay
About the Author
John Terpstra is the author of ten books of poetry and four books of non-fiction. He often plays in that zone where human beings interact with nature – nature in the city, not the country. The nature he gravitates toward is one that has some experience of us, has had to live with us and our demands, and is no longer pure or whole or perfect, but still somehow manages to be itself – maybe even more than when it was "wild." He is interested in how the natural geography and built geography integrate and relate to each other, in how history is simultaneous with now. Daylighting Chedoke is a companion book to the two earlier books about Hamilton as a living, breathing geographical location, Falling into Place and The House with the Parapet Wall. He lives in Hamilton, ON.
Other Titles by this Author
Daylighting Chedoke: Exploring Hamilton's Hidden Creek (2018)
This Orchard Sound (2014)
Naked Trees (2012)