Satellite Image

Satellite Image

Michelle Berry
  • $22.00

October 15, 2024
250 PAGES | ISBN 978-1-998408-04-7

This is a very timely book, following a young couple who buy a house in the country to escape the close quarters and violence of the city, only to discover the home they have bought and the small town they’ve moved to have their own disturbing secrets. It starts with a disappearing body, spotted on a satellite image of the property before they move there; continues through a window that opens seemingly at will, and at all hours; another body on the front lawn and a growing sense that they are not alone in the house. Michelle is the master of page-turners with unexpected endings and this book is sure to delight her fans.

About the Author

Michelle Berry is the author of seven novels and three books of short stories. Her books have been shortlisted, longlisted and won awards. Her writing has been optioned for film several times and she has been published in the UK. Berry was a reviewer for the Globe and Mail for many years. She teaches at the University of Toronto in the Continuing Education department and has also taught at Toronto Metropolitan University, Humber College and Trent University. She has been on the board of PEN Canada and the Writers’ Union of Canada and on the Authors’ Advisory Group of the Writers’ Trust of Canada. For five years Berry owned and operated her own independent bookstore in Peterborough, Ontario, called Hunter Street Books.

Other titles by this Author

Everything Turns Away (2021)

The Prisoner and the Chaplain (2017)

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